How to ACTUALLY Set Achievable Goals You'd Love!
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Hi I'm Shazie, a latte-lovin' blogger, self-love advocate, and wellness space facilitator ♥ I'm a West Coast-turned-East Coast girl, so naturally I'm conflicted between Dunkin vs Starbs. Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you stick around♥
5 Tips on Setting Boundaries (& Why It's Important!)
I can’t believe it has been 20 days since I last blogged. I am SO sorry for being MIA; the everyday stressors of life (aka graduation) have been taking a toll on me.
This morning, I (not surprisingly) stress cried in the bathroom at work and it’s all bc of one question: “how’s the job search going?”
I mean, it’s most certainly GOING. If you ask me where, I just won’t have an answer for you LOL.
Flashback to 2016 when I graduated with B.S. in Public Health. I had no idea what I was doing or WHEN I even begun applying to jobs. I don’t think I was really stressing over it back then. My goal was to take a year, find a random job, and then apply to pharmacy school.
I remember being reached out on Indeed for a Clinical Research Coordinator. Eww, research? Clinical? More science? This wasn’t what I wanted to do with my time… but alas, this was basically what was out there at the time with a degree in public health.
It was a great learning experience if you ask me, but tbh, I didn’t consider any other options out there. And now, contrary to 2016, I am applying to jobs left and right in hopes of at least being one step closer to what I want to pursue… especially now that I will have a Masters. I mean, surely this all has to be worth it… right?
The problem with this mentality is the battle against my own insecurities. What if I don’t get a job? What if my job doesn’t meet my salary expectations? What if getting this MPH was all for sh*ts and giggles?
These are the questions I find myself pondering over and over again. It’s a heavy feeling to be clouded by your own negative thoughts every single day and then having to answer to those around you… who btw have nothing but your best interests in heart, but bc you’re so triggered by everything, it’s yet another reason to cry a river.
So do I have any advice? Hmm, let me think. Other than my advice from undergrad, I may have a thing or two.
I am SO guilty of this. I’ve been questioning myself and my involvement in public health. How does EVERYONE ELSE seem to have a job lined up; meanwhile, I’m casually waiting for an interview?
Umm hello, is anybody there?
Even though deep down I know we should all focus on our own lanes, sometimes you just can’t help but wonder why not you. Trust in the process and the time.
This was a tip given by literally every professional I know. Having a Masters seems pretty tricky at times. You don’t want to settle for entry-level, but you don’t quite qualify for something more senior. Where does mid-level exist? I say always go one step further. So what if it says you need 5 years of experience? If you can truly sell your skills and work on yourself like a personal brand, they would be willing to bend the rules for you 100%.
I’m guilty of trying to parallel this part of my life with everyone else, but honestly as cliché as this sounds, you’re running your race at your own time. Sure, discuss with others, but don’t let any external factors serve as a reflection of what you perceive to be lacking in your own life.
To end this note, I’d like to share a snipped I wrote in my other post on graduation:
It’s important to honestly unplug yourself from the outside world. I cannot emphasize this enough. Applaud others, but don’t undermine yourself as you congratulate others on their successes. Everyone has their own dreams, their own timelines, their own lives. You don’t always have to do what others are doing. Conformity is such a misconception. Who wants to be identical to someone else anyway?
Alright that’s it. It’s 8:30pm on a Friday and okay, wow anyone else WOWED by this week’s episode of Grey’s? WAY TOO GOOD. I definitely recommend watching this specific episode bc it talks about sexual assault, consent, etc. So damn powerful. Way to go, Shonda Rimes.
Hope you enjoyed this short post. To be continued with these job applications 😉
Wishing all of you the best today and always xx
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