How to ACTUALLY Set Achievable Goals You'd Love!
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Hi I'm Shazie, a latte-lovin' blogger, self-love advocate, and wellness space facilitator ♥ I'm a West Coast-turned-East Coast girl, so naturally I'm conflicted between Dunkin vs Starbs. Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you stick around♥
5 Tips on Setting Boundaries (& Why It's Important!)
Ever since I turned 25, I’ve transitioned into a full on “me, me, me” mode – where all I want to do is dedicate my free time to just doing ME. Lately, I’ve been an advocate for self love/self-care. The most important thing that is often overlooked or well, forgotten. To me, it means taking optimal care of your physical, mental, and spiritual health nurturing mind, body, and soul. There is no right or wrong answer; the important thing is to uphold to YOUR definition and strive to practice self-care wholeheartedly.
I was doing some reflecting a couple of days ago while I was stuck in traffic where I came to an epiphany about life in the city. Living in the city has, unfortunately, led me to develop a thick layer outside of myself. I have grown to become accustomed to chaos and distractions… and be okay with it. While working a 9-5 in the city may seem ideal for some, this can sometimes lead to something I fear the most: an uninspired mundane routine. A cookie-cutter path that simply was not for me.
The mediocrity of this path is something I do my best to avoid as I crave growth and seek inspiration every single day. Because we live in such a fast-paced environment constantly on the go, it’s imperative that we allocate some time in the morning (or night) to do “us” and to simply be in our skin. When was the last time you took time out of your day to shift your focus to just doing YOU? Here are some of my favorite self-focused activities –
It’s important to be self-aware and start prioritizing ways in which we can improve HOW we treat ourselves. Remember, self-care isn’t optional, it is essential. Take care of YOU.
PS – Here’s a Treat Yourself (830 downloads ) downloadable checklist as a daily reminder!
Let me know what some of YOUR self-care tips are. Until next time!
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